Logo of JC2RP, portraying individual letters placed against an uneven, metallic lattice


Last updated: June 2, 2020


Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia or other discrimination, inciting out-of-character hatred or abuse, harassment of other players in either of the realms is prohibited.


Usage of cheats or bugs that provide personal benefit or advantage over other players is prohibited.


Performing unrealistic text-based actions, usage of roleplay-unfriendly character names, and disruption of in-character atmosphere is prohibited.


Acting on information your character does not possess, or sharing information that enables other players to metagame, is prohibited.


Attacking players with a white nametag outside restricted areas (700m within HQ hangar) and active areas of conflict (2km within missions and captures) is prohibited.


Teaming up with another faction within 2km from the mission area, when it's not implied by briefing, is prohibited.


Being intentionally unhelpful or misleading to inexperienced players (e.g. recommending them to leave), or using newbie chat for anything other than meta Q&A, is prohibited.

Rank 3+

Preventing players from using assets or resources (e.g. vehicles, faction balance, highlights etc.) in their intended way (e.g. in order to preserve them for more experienced players, or situations of subjectively higher importance), is prohibited.

Rank 5+

Consistently refusing to yield punishment for server rule infractions observed first-hand or through proven player complaints is prohibited.

Rank 5+

Creating or maintaining constructions which appear physically impossible, are both invisible and unreachable, or restrict areas or paths while leaving no equally benefiting alternatives, is prohibited.